Sunday, May 30, 2010

I Believe in World Changers

I was asked not long ago by one of the mentors in my life, to write on why I do what I do... Here's what came out!

I believe I have a vehicle that will move those who see it, from uncertainty, to knowing that they have not been forgotten. That their dreams matter. I believe that what I'm involved in is pouring strength into the homes of those whom some would call "Normal Families". I would call them Visionaries. I would say, what I have in my hand is the fuel that feeds the fires that are already burning in the hearts of those who have just enough spunk left to say: "I want more." "I want to do more." " I want to give more." " I want to live my life out, in an extraordinary way, but hear me: I will NOT trade in on my highest values to do so."

For a moment in my life, I thought that my choice to enjoy more than the average number of children in my family would limit my choices as far as how I would be able to provide for them. But Someone was always whispering in my ear: "Trust Me." "I am your Provider." "Don't worry about finances. I'm going to surround you with people who Believe in what you're doing." And I would say in my heart, "What am I doing God?" but now I know.

I'm offering a fresh reality to the Dreamers and the Misfits. I'm shouting out, for all who can hear: "Live your life out in such a way that makes your heart sing. Don't listen to the lie that says you can't. It's right here!"

I just find those fires in hearts. I keep my eyes open for the smallest spark, and I pour on the fuel. I show them their new choices. I pour on belief, great expectation, and words of faith. I whisper to their fragile dreams, the ones that were hidden there from before time-- till I see them change the world!

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